Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Austin turns 7!

Austin is 7! This amazingly sensitive, empathetic, thoughtful kid amazes me daily! GG recently passed and even though he still fights shyness he asked to get up in front of everyone, including many strangers to say something about GG. He stood up and said, "GG was always very nice to me and she will always be a part of my heart."  I couldnt be prouder of this guy!  He loves school and is so excited to head to second grade and for Wyatt to finally be with him at Buckeye!

Austin asked if he could plan his whole birthday day. Heres what he came up with! First to the movies to watch Incredibles 2!

Then to the lake for swimming!

Finally to Johns Incredible Pizza with friends and family for dinner!

Happy Birthday Monkey!

Fun Austin Quotes from his 6th year!
-While watching a cartoon story the main character asks if he should kiss a girl. Austin says, "Oh I would totally kiss her!"

- "I got a new girlfriend today and guess what mom, she has a crush on me too!"

-Austin:"Hey Daddy, Im like you and Wyatts like Uncle Tim." Dan:"Oh because youre older and hes younger?" Austin:"No, because he has a big head!"

-Austin gets smacked accidently between the legs..."Awww, my nuts! The nut cracker!"

Other quotes from Austins earlier years:
4-"Do you know youre my little brother Wy? That means Im never gonna let you fall off a step stool, Ill always catch you!"

4-"Im like Daddy because I like cars, but Im also like you Mommy because I get really thirsty when I eat pizza."

4.5-Austin"Boys dont drive cars. Girls drive cars and boys drive trucks." Daddy"Ha! I love you Austin." Austin"I love you too, but you crazy!"

5-"When I grow up I want to be Santa and pass out presents to all the good kids"

5-Waking up at 3am for duck hunting. "Whats this all about!?"

5-Austin tell us a girl joke. "Im a girl and I dont know what Im doing!"

1. What is your favorite color? Blue(6&7)

2. What is your favorite toy?   legos

3. What is your favorite fruit? Watermelon
Apples and Oranges-6

4. What is your favorite tv show? Harvey Street Kids
 Troll Hunters-6
(Bubble Guppies-5)

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  cheesy roll up
 (chicken nuggets-5)

6. What is your favorite outfit?  Pokemon shirt
 Groot shirt-5
(5-shirt and shorts and shoes)

7. What is your favorite game?  Dont break the ice
The Game of Life-6
(5-superhero video game)

8. What is your favorite snack? pop tarts
(5&6- fruit snacks)

9. What is your favorite animal?  penguin
baby chicks-6

10. What is your favorite song? cant fight this feeling(Trolls song Justin Timberlake)(5&6)
(5-Uptown funk)

11. What is your favorite book? Green Eggs and Ham
Trolls book-6
(5-Peter Pan)

12. Who is your best friend?   Caleb and Nick
Caleb and Kyle and Nick P-6
(5-Gavin and Lexi)

13. What is your favorite dinner? Pizza
(5-Macaroni and Cheese)

14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Drive Go Cart and Jump on trampoline
(5&6- Swim in the pool)

15. What is your favorite drink?   Hot chocolate

16. What is your favorite place to go?  School
Magic Mountain-6
(5-The pizza place with games (Pizza Factory)

17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Green baby

18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Yogurt

19. What do you want on your birthday? A go Cart!!
 A Robodog!-6
(5-Eats lots of Candy!)

20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Actor
(5-Baseball player and dirt bike rider! )

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