Sunday, July 8, 2018

Wyatts Turns 5!!!!

Happy Birthday Wyatt!! You continue to be the silliest of all my children! Such an easy, go with the flow attitude! Hard to make him take anything serious! Except for Batman, he is very serious about Batman!! He has his first girlfriend this year and loves to talk about Jennica! This dirt bike loving kid is on his way to Kindergarten and we couldnt be more excited to watch him grow and make us laugh!!

 To Johns Incredible Pizza for his birthday dinner!!

Some fun Wyatt quotes!
At age 3: Sitting with Gavin. Gavin"Im hungry", Wyatt looks at him, "Im Batman!"

3: Wyatt in the pool without a life jacket with me trying to teach him to swim. He keeps pulling away from me. Wyatt"Now I do it by myself!" Me"But Wyatt you cant swim yet." Wyatt"Yes I can!" He jumps off the step away from me. I pick him up out of the water. Wyatt"Mommy, Why I sinking?"

4: Wyatt"Why dont bad guys come to our house?" Daddy"Because I fight the bad guys." Wyatt"I thought Batman would come." Daddy"Well sometimes he needs me to help him." Wyatt"When I grow up and Im batman Ill come help you fight the bad guys!"

4: Elaina walking through the house. Wyatt come rinning at her 90 degrees, jumps and collides with her. She goes flying and crying! Daddy"What were you thinking Wyatt!" Wyatt"I was going to jump over her. Why I not do it?"


1. What is your favorite color? Red
 Red and Blue(4)
(Blue 3y)

2. What is your favorite toy?   Bat-Me(Stuffed batman)
(Balls 3y)

3. What is your favorite fruit? Apples(4&5)
(Banana 3y)

4. What is your favorite tv show?   Batman(4&5)
(TMNT 3y)

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?   Yogurt(4&5)
(PBandJ 3y)

6. What is your favorite outfit?   Baseball outfit
Batman shirt, shoes and hat(4)
(Swim suits 3y)

7. What is your favorite game? Legos
One, Two, Goooo! (Im not sure what game that is! 3y)

8. What is your favorite snack? Fruit snacks(3-5)

9. What is your favorite animal?  Bat(4&5)
(Snake 3y)

10. What is your favorite song?  Thunder by Imagine Dragons
Troll song (Cant stop the feeling, Justin timberlake)
(Twinkle Twinkle 3y)

11. What is your favorite book? Lightining McQueen
 Batman story book
(Buddy the dirt bike book 3y)

12. Who is your best friend?  Jed and my Girlfriend Jennica
Casey (girl from preschool)
(Bubba! 3y)

13. What is your favorite dinner?   Chicken
Chicken nuggets(4)
(Pizza 3y)

14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Ride dirt bikes(4&5)
(Ride bikes 3y)

15. What is your favorite drink?   Apple Juice
(Juice 3y&4)

16. What is your favorite place to go?  Batman Cave

(Pizza Place! 3&4)

17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Bat-Me
(Cars 3y)

18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Fruit
(Yogurt with fruit 3y)

19. What do you want on your birthday? Celebrate!
Have cake!
(Ride bikes! 3y)

20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Superhero
(Dirt bike rider!  3y)

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