Tuesday, April 3, 2018

January Catchup

We did so much in January! Dan and I went on our 3rd annual no kid post holiday getaway! We headed up to Trinidad and spent 3 nights on the coast and got to spend a night with scott and jamie also! Austin stayed with Grandpa Terry and GramaShell and the Sigonas. Elaina and Wyatt spent time with Grandma kristy, and Uncle Tim and Tia!
We got to meet up with the Rohrbachs and have some post xmas gift exchanging and Elaina and I got to go to a baby shower for a coworker!

Elaina and Wyatts time in the bay:

Our amazing place in Trinidad!!

Austin with Gpa Terry

Austin with the Sigonas!





Playing with Mommys phone!

Emma wants to play too!

Annual post Christmas gift exchange with the Rorhbachs!

Too cute!

Very exciting and tiring!

Baby shower with Lainey!

Emmy tries a sour candy!

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