Monday, March 21, 2016

Austins first baseball game-St Paddys day!

This St. Patricks day was amazing! First it was Dans birthday(Yay!), Plus Austin had his first ever baseball game, and then Lizzy decided to surprise us with an early arrival! So exciting that I decided to give each one their own blog post! First off Austins baseball!!

 This was cap night, when we all first met the Red Sox!!
Go Red Sox!

 He was so excited to get his jersey!
 And he got his favorite number!!

First at bat!!!

Second at bat!!

 Getting ready in the field!

 First time fielding a ball and throwing to first!

On the very last at bat of the game Austin took a line drive off of his forehead! Scared Mommy, but he was so brave I didnt even have to go out on the field. He impressed the other coach so much he gave Austin the game ball!!

 Playing around at the ball game!

And a couple videos from his second game a couple days later....

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