Monday, August 3, 2015

Austin is Four!

Our sweet, first born boy is turning four! He loves being a big brother and playing with both Wyatt and Elaina! I overheard him saying this to Wyatt the other day, "Do you know you're my little brother Wy? That means I'm never gonna let you fall off a step stool, I'll always catch you" Love that kid!

The Copes were still here, and the Sigonas and Dunns(almost) came over to swim and help us celebrate! And Grandma Kristy and Bryan came to pick Austin up for a big boy sleepover!

 Cant go wrong with some watermelon!

 Sassy Lexi

 Mommy and the birthday boy!

 Perfect place for a nap!

Get to know Austin a little bit more! I interviewed him about some of his favorites!

1. What is your favorite color? Green

2. What is your favorite toy?    Bubble guppy in the bath

3. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries

4. What is your favorite tv show?   Blaze and the Monster Machines

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?   chicken nuggets

6. What is your favorite outfit?   shirt

7. What is your favorite game? legos and pretend (He doesnt really understand the meaning of favorite yet)

8. What is your favorite snack?  craisins

9. What is your favorite animal?  lion (I didnt know this one)

10. What is your favorite song? Uptown funk

11. What is your favorite book? Wacky Wednesday(This changes weekly)

12. Who is your best friend?   Ben at preschool and Gavin

13. What is your favorite dinner?   Macaroni and Cheese

14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play on the Treehouse and Swim in the pool

15. What is your favorite drink?   Lemonade

16. What is your favorite place to go?  The pizza place with games (Johns Incredible Pizza)

17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Green baby

18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Yogurt

19. What do you want on your birthday? Play with my friends

20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Police man so I can fight the bad guys like a superhero!

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