Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Wyatts Second birthday!!

Wyatt is our all boy, rough and tumble, motor loving little guy! He loves to do anything that Daddy is doing and does not like it when Daddy doesnt let him help with every chore! He is an outdoor lover, and would probably never come inside or put his shoes on if he didnt have to! So on Wyatts second birthday we decided to do what Wyatt loves, riding bikes! He got a new bike helmet for his birthday too! So we all went to the bike trail, last time we went Wyatt was in a stroller! Both boys did great and Im hoping later this summer Dan and I will be able to be on bikes as well!

Birthday Boy!

 Jones Brothers!

One with the baby too!

 Wyatts new helmet!

 Riding the trail!

 My two ninja turtles!

 The girls were there too!

And we finished the day with some ice cream!!

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