Friday, May 8, 2015

Visiting the Copes!

We made a trip down south to hang out with the Copes and had so much fun! I think it was the first time we had been down when it wasn't for an event and a whole bunch of running around and other people. It was nice to just have time for the kids to play! Unfortunately Dan has been working nights in Bakersfield! My first time driving with kids kids by myself! But I put them in the car at 2am and drove to Dans hotel, and they all did so well! After we picked up Dan it was a couple more hours drive and they were all still good! They did great on the way back up too! So glad we have such good travelers!!

 This is how the boys were sleeping at 2am when I went to get them! Love how close they are getting!

 Austin taking a ride on Daddys bag in the hotel!

 These babys are so cute!!

 Wyatt playing with the babies!

 Everett decided he wanted to chew on Elainas head!

 Uncle Ryan and the babes!


 Backyard fun!

Me and my littlest nephew!

 Getting ready for the park!

At the park with the Copes and some of my fav girls!

 Everett, Elaina, and Karson
Aka Ever, EmJ and Little Don!

 Cara and Kelly
 Theres Kolt too!

 Ever was so close to crawling a few times while we were there!

 Switching kids!

 The boys loved Everett!

 Im not sure letting the kids box was the best idea...But they sure had a lot of fun! Haha!

 Austin is very dramatic! 

 Grandpa Cope meeting EmJ for the first time!

 Love these babies!!
Such a great face Ever!
 The boys!

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