Friday, April 3, 2015

Dans Birthday and March Birthday Party Blast!

Daddys birthday is always fun with the addition of it being St Paddys day!

 Making Daddys brownie cake!

 Making Daddys birthday card!

 St Paddys day pics!

 Largest March birthday party yet!! 8 people we celebrated!

Happy birthday left to right:
Matty, Nana, Andre, Aunt Shirley, Daddy, Bunny and Tim!

 There was lots of dirt bike riding, but the cutest one had to be Austin all geared up!!

 The water was probably only a brisk 50 degrees, but the crazy kids had fun in it anyways!!

 Austin hiding with Autumn and Gavin!

 Pretty blues!

 Gonna be best buds!

 Silly girl!

Silly boy!!

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