Wednesday, January 7, 2015

EmJs Week 5 and 6

This little girl is really starting to be awake for longer periods! She loves sitting up, so I knew her bumbo would be a big hit and it is! She is also starting to become more vocal! Its still a little tough to get a smile out of her so I have a video instead of pictures of that! She isnt rolling over yet, but is really starting to like tummy time, she usually falls asleep though! As before, her brother just adore her! She has finally started sleeping in her crib at 6 weeks. She is still waking up every 3 hours or so, but occasionally will give me a 4-5 hour stretch! Hoping for more of those soon!

 Guess who loves her bumbo!

 Blurry smiles in the bumbo!

First bottle with Daddy!

Who needs a swaddle to sleep!

Almost there?

Talk, talk, talk!


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