Saturday, December 27, 2014

December weeks!

week 2: Baby Lainey is starting to be awake more, but still really enjoys her sleep! She is adored by her big brothers!

 eyes open

 Happy sleepy girl!

 Austin wanted baby EmJ to sleep with him!

 hanging with nonnie

 uncle Brian

 With Uncle Larry

 Having fun on tummy time!

week 3: Still a good day sleeper, but Mommy and Daddy wish I slept better at night!

 Must be day time!

 Goofy Austin!

 Hanging on the couch!

 Love my big bro Wyatt!

And this is what the boys were up to!

week 4: Love this little chubby cheeked girl!! We had an unsuccessful attempt to have her sleep in her crib! We will try again in a week or so!

 Passed out during tummy time!

Hanging out with Dakota!

 First night in her crib!

Austin loves to sing to his baby sister especially when she is upset, and she usually calms down!! What a lucky little girl!

And a couple flashback pics!

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