Friday, November 7, 2014

Our two big brothers!!

Just wanted to write a little blurb about each boy before their little sister gets here!

Austin is now almost 3 and a half! He is loving preschool and starting to talk about all of the friends he is making. It is weird that he has friends we dont know! He is a great big brother and most of the time happily includes Wyatt in his play. The other day Wyatt was whining a bit at bedtime and Austin sat up in his bed and leaned over Wyatts crib and said, "don't worry Wyatt, BahBah is right here and Im going to stay here all night." Melted my heart!! He is also very excited to have a little sister and talks about it being his job to protect her because he is the big brother! He still loves baseball and football and is very excited about when he might be old enough to play like Gavin. He is now able to count to 20 and he can spell his name! We are working on his letters and starting to trace at preschool! He loves to have sleepovers with his grandparents and his cousins! His favorite color is Kawasaki green! He is starting to get the hang of riding his pedal bike with training wheels! Love this kid!!

Wyatt is 18 months and such a cute little guy! He is still very easy going and fun! He still isnt talking too much but does say a few more words: Dada, Papa, milk, eat, please, and of course ball, more, and look! But Im not sure anyone can understand what he is saying other than us! He is an outdoor kid and would live out there if we let him, he is always trying to get us to put his shoes on so he can go outside! He started gymnastics recently and loves to climb over and up everything! He hasnt gotten the jumping thing down yet though! He still loves everything Daddy does! All loud motors get him excited! I think monster trucks are his favorite right now! His eyes look like they might be turning from a hazel color to a green color, we shall see! Love this little man!

1 comment:

Jamie and Scott said...

Looks like you have a couple of great boys, that will be great big brothers for elaina. They are adorable!