Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wyatt is 8 months!!

I cant believe Wyatt is 8 months old!! He is crawling all over the place, especially chasing after his big brother! He is also pulling himself up to standing! I cant believe it! He doesnt really get the walking thing yet though! He is cutting two bottom teeth, and I think a top one soon too! He loves, loves, loves to eat!! Its hard to tell what his favorite is because he will scarf up anything you put in front of him!! He is a happy, active little boy!!

Go go go!!!
 Wyatt pulling himself up on the gate

 I think you can see the two bottom teeth here, but at least the left one?

 Austin in my test photo!

 My cute boys!

 I tried with Wyatt on the couch, but that is pretty scary with a crawler, so I moved his to the floor, but couldnt get him to hold still, so into the bumbo he went!! haha!

1 comment:

Jamie and Scott said...

He's getting so big. Hope we get to see him and Austin and you guys soon.