Monday, December 30, 2013

HamCoSigJo Christmas!! And Gavins Birthday!

All of the Copes (Uncle Ry, Auntie Adrienne, Weston and Grandpa 'Monster' Cope) were able to make it up to Sac for our annual HamCoSigJo Christmas!! We had a blast, I cant believe how xmas is more fun every year as the family all grows!!

 (More xmas pics to come)
Breakfast before heading over to GramaShells for xmas party!

Look how good I am at feeding myself!

 Austin giving a little ham with his Chhheeeeeeseeee!!
 He lost his tie once and said 'Oh no, my tie'! Hah! Love that kid!

 Are these two of the sweetest faces!!

 Puppydog Rango sure does like baby Wyatt!!

 Hey Ill get those crumbs on your face!

 Are all those present for meeeeee???

 Love and hugs for GGpa!

 Time to decorate the gingerbread house!

 More Great Grandson love for GGpa!

 Uncle Ryan getting down to play with Wyatt!

 My family xmas pic!!

Ties look good on Daddy too!!
The Sigona Family

 Weston loves Grandpas hat!

 Austin needs some Monster love too!!

 Cope Family!

 Austins new sleeping bag and Daddy imitating both his boys!!

Wyatt is really getting this crawling thing down!

And more pics from the weekend....
 The kids loved wheeling!

 These two are going to be best buds!

 Wyatt loves his puppy dogs!

 Such a sweet face!

 These two are best buds!!

 Could he be standing soon??

Love for Doshie!!

Playing with Uncle Ryan!

Tunnel Fun!

 Gavins Birthday was the day before the Copes arrived....
 My Boys!!!

 Birthday boy chose Round Table Pizza!

 I wonder why? 

Afterwards we went to go see the christmas lights!!

 So Pretty!

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