Friday, November 1, 2013


Halloween was so fun this year! It was the first year Austin actually chose what he wanted to be! I didnt think that he would understand, but when we asked he was very insistent he wanted to be, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! I didnt like any of the costumes you could buy so I made my own! I think it turned out well! We first went to gymnastics, then went to a Halloween fair with the Sigona kids during the day, and then trick or treated their neighborhood at night! The kids had a blast!!

 On our way to gymnastics!

Austin was so excited he had to dance for me!

 At the fair!

 Gavin the pirate, Austins Mickey Mouse, Lexis Candy Corn Witch!

 Wyatt had a Mickey costume too!

 Getting dressed for Trick or Treating!!

 How do I look?

 Gavins pirate face, Austins candy smile, and Lexi just didnt want to participate!
 Perfect smile!
 Such a cutie!

 Wyatt as Tigger!

 Here we go! First house!

 Wyatt came too!

 The kiddos outlasted the adults this year! Finally, we brought them home and they had a blast looking through, and eating, their candy!!

 All worn out and still wont give up his candy!!

This is what I was going for:

The finished product!


Trinette and Mike said...

You did an amazing job!!! Cutest Mickey ever :) all the kids were adorable!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

What a cute mickey! Good job on making Austin into his special halloween dream. The cousins all look spooky. And full.