Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Everett's Monster Baby Shower!!!

I cant believe that baby Everett is almost here! Jamies shower was Monster themed and Wendy did a great job putting it all together!! We cant wait to meet you Everett Ivan!!

 Tia Jammie with all the little ones!!

 Elle and Wyatt had so much fun!

 Austin loves his Grandma Kristy!

 Such a beautiful Mommy!!

 Wyatt and Nana!

 Such a cutie!

 Austin getting some one on one time!

 Yay! Stroller and carseat!!

 And Jammies temporary little monster!

 Austin says, 'thats my brother!'
 Wyatt says, 'that thumb look yummy...'
'...Lemme have a taste!'

Cousin love!

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