Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Surprise! Its a BOY!!

My second birth story starts at 4am on may 6th, one day before my due date. I woke up with cramping about every seven minutes or so. I had already planned on spending the day with Brandi, so Austin and I packed up and headed down there. I got there around 930 and still just mild cramping, so Brandi and I decided to take the kids on a long walk to the park to see if we could get something started. After a 2 mile walk to the park, I was having definite contractions, nothing painful, but they were coming about every 5-7 minutes. Dan decided to leave work and met us back at Brandis after our mile walk home. At 3pm the contractions seemed to be getting stronger and more regular so Kristy decided to come over in case today was the day! Jammie and Tim came up for support as well! I timed my contractions from 5pm to 1030pm and they were regularly 3-6 minutes apart and I was starting to have a hard time talking through them.

We decided we should at least go get checked and see where I was at. I felt like a first time mom since I was induced with Austin, I never had to make the decision when to go to the hospital! We got there around 11pm and it took about an hour to find out that I was only 1cm!! Oh well, back to Brandis to wait it out some more! After we got back the contractions slowed and spaced although they were painful enough to keep me awake! I dont think anyone got too much sleep that night! At 5am I started timing again and the contractions were more like 7-10 minutes apart with some even farther. I was starting to think that this was a false alarm! I had my regularly scheduled OB appointment at 11 and found out I was still at 1cm! Talk about discouraging! The contractions continued between 7-12 minutes apart most of the afternoon, I took small walks and tried to take short naps to keep rested. But by 730pm with my contractions not getting any stronger or closer together I was pretty certain nothing was happening tonight, and the contractions would probably space out again like the did the night before, and I really wanted to sleep in my own bed!

So Dan, Austin, Kristy, Jammie and I headed back up the hill to sleep. I tried to lay down when we got home but the first contraction I had was so intense I had to jump out of bed! I got in the shower and started timing them again. Found out that now, at 9pm they were consistently 5-7 minutes apart with increasing intensity! Figures, now that we are 40minutes from the hospital!! I really did not want to be turned away again, and wanted to labor as much as I could at home.  Although, I was pretty sure we were going to have to at least go back to Brandis tonight, if not back to the hospital to be checked again. My contractions werent getting any closer together, but it was getting pretty miserable getting through each one and I was having residual pressure after the contractions. By 1130pm I felt that if we didnt head back down now, I didnt know if I could make it in the car! As we were packing up I started to feel nauseated with each contraction, so we decided we better hurry! Jammie came with us and Kristy stayed to let Austin sleep and we headed back to the hospital, hoping to be at least a 4 so we could be admitted and stop the guessing game! We got to the hospital around 1230am and was finally checked 30 minutes later and found I was a 7!!! Dan quickly got on the phone to let Brandi, Mom and Kristy know that this baby is coming!! I was hoping to get back in the shower to finish laboring because that helped so much at home, but at 130am I started vomiting and when the nurse checked me again I was already at 9cm!! So much for the shower! Brandi and Mom got there quickly and Dr murphy got there around 2am. I pushed for 21 minutes and out the baby came! Thats when I heard Dan say, "Um...Thats a boy!"

Probably the most shocking thing Ive heard in my entire life!! Born at 236am, weighing 7 lbs. 13oz and 20.5 inches long our baby boy surprised us all!! Good thing he is such a perfect, beautiful little man that we fell in love right away!! Funny thing is I had a dream a week or so before that we were having a boy. I told Dan about it and we talked about what we would name the baby if he did turn out to be a boy! So we had Wyatt pretty quickly. His middle name is Earl after Grandaddys(Dans dad Richard Earl) middle name, and my Great Grandpas name. We were only in the hospital a little more than 24hours and then we were back home with our little boy! Now just need to plan a new nursery!! Thank you to all of my wonderful family and friends for all of the support and love!!

 Its a boy!!


 Welcome Wyatt!


 Thats our little baby boy!


 Daddy loves!!



Aunt B and her newest nephew!
 GramaShell and her 4th grandson!

 Tia Jammie loves her newest nephew!


 Austins first look at his new baby brother!

 Grandma Kristy introducing Austin to his baby brother!




 Me and my boys!

Family shot!

 Found his thumb already!! And of course its the left one, just like his brother!


 Grandma Kristy and her littlest grandson!

 My handsome oldest son!

 Up to postpartum and someone needs a snuggle!

 Auntie Wendy and Wyatt in his handmade hat!

 Uncle Brian and Wyatt

 Auntie Julie and Wyatt

 Grandma Carol

 Uncle Ant

 Tia Jammie
 Uncle Tim

 Time to go home! Getting dressed!

 Lexi loves baby Wyatt!

 We are outta here!

1 comment:

Jamie and Scott said...

Love the pics of Austin holding Wyatt! Those are classics! Brotherly love.