Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Vegas weekend!! We went for Supercross finals but had time to explore a lot of the strip! It was me and Dan's first time away since Austin was born! It was hard being away from the little guy but I think he had a blast also! I will post pics of the race day soon!

On a walk through the venetian

Stopping for a photo op!

Hanging out in the hotel!

We rented a bungalow by the pool on Sunday!

Dinner and Drinks please!!

Austin stayed with Grandma Kristy and had a blast playing with her and all of her toys! Thanks Grandma and Nana and Aunt Vicky and everyone else who pitched in to keep the munchkin entertained while Mommy and Daddy had a grownup weekend!! These are some pics and vids that Kristy sent while we were away, really helped me get through the weekend!!  The first two videos are are Kristy's the night before we left for Vegas.


Eating with a spoon!
(I couldnt get this one to upload to blogger, but the video below is almost the same thing!)

At the zoo!

Bath time?

Ball pit!!

1 comment:

Jamie and Scott said...

Vegas looks fun! Looks like Austin had a great time with Kristy!