Thursday, March 31, 2011

27 week belly pic and crib

I am 27 weeks today and according to some sites, 7 months and into my third trimester!! Very exciting! We put Austins crib together today, but the room still has a ways before it is done. Here are some pics!


Cindy said...

YAY third trimester!!! I love the crib! And your belly... very cute! I can't believe how big it's getting! At least now it's hopefully looking as big as it feels! I loved getting to rub it last weekend. You're so adorable.

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Yaaa!! I can't believe the crib is up!! So crazy! Love your belly too of course!

Jamie and Scott said...

Wow you look alot different! can't wait to see you next weekend! The crib is beautiful, we just need to add the changing table. You look great by the way!

Trinette and Mike said...

Looking hot momma to be!! I love the crib :) Do you find yourself going into the room just to stare at it? haha! I can't wait to see you!