Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jones Wedding!!

Thanks to everyone who helped make our wedding the perfect day for both of us!
Love, The Jones'

Me and my girls!
Dan and his guys! I love Joey's face!!
Cakes made be GmaRio!! Couldn't be more perfect!! LOVE you!
Me and my Man!
Love these girls!!
Bestest Sisters!

Limo Ride'n!! Thanks Kristy!!
Men gettin ready

Isnt Kimmie an amazing photographer!!
The Jones'

There are many more pics on facebook, its hard to put them all on here!!


Unknown said...

you looked gorgeous and everyone looked so happy! congrats again!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Wow these will be awesome full size!

Jamie and Scott said...

they look great i can't wait to see the other ones!

Dave and Joan said...

What a great family style wedding. Loved the whole family.
Dave and Joan

Elisa and Brian said...

You both look so happy, and you look so beautiful, Lacey! I wish I could have been there!