Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!

Happy Mothers Day! Dan and I spent Mothers Day in the bay with his family. First we headed up to Napa for a VIP wine tasting session with his mom, much fun! We learned a lot about wine, and got to sample some cheeses too, at least the little bit that Dan didnt eat! Afterwards, we headed back to Dan's Grandparents house for dinner with a bunch of family, including Jen and Travis. I was a little better about getting some pictures...

Personalized Wine List!Ledson Winery
Tim, Lacey, and wine connoisseurs!

Jamie and Kristin


Jamie and Scott said...

wow some pictures of dan and you! sounds like you had a great time! when you coming up for some fishing?

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Wow what a day! Good job getting some pics too!

jen3 said...

nice pics of you guys! it was nice to hang out again and catch up even if for a few hours:)

Lynsey Ridout said...

Hey you two look so cute! I'm going to definately stick it out in graduate school. Everyone in my program and school is just as frustrated as me. I felt the same way about nursing school. I hope you are happy and you look great!

Mama Michelle said...

looks like you had so much fun! missed you on M's Day, but looking forward to seeing you this weekend!

Unknown said...

We seriously must have passed each other on Sunday! Well, I was in Somona but still...hehe! I love wine tasting! We'll all have to go again soon :0)

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Gorgeous winery! Cheese, crusty bread, and a good bottle of wine. Doesn't get much better -- except when you can have the party on the rocks above the beach.