Friday, May 29, 2009

The last few weeks...

...have been crazy!! First I headed down to so cal for Adrienne's bridal shower and bach party! We had so much fun, hanging out, riding in the limo, and karyoke-ing!

The Soon-to-be SisterS!

Bach Girl!

We also made ANOTHER new addition to the growing clan of Dan and Lacey...Please Welcome...


Bandit and Skittles: Sisters Bonding!

Just another adorable pic of my man and my adorable lil nephew
Sleepy Boys!

Last weekend we moved across town to a three bedroom duplex! We are pretty much all moved in so check back soon, hopefully I will have a video of the place posted! But I wanted to give a shout out to the moving crew: Kristin, Tim and Jammie! We couldnt have done it without you guys!! Thanks so much!

Tired moving crew at the end of the day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just Gavin

Some pics and a video of Gavin in the last few weeks... Lil Blue Eyes
Just Gavin and Mama

So Exciting!

New Summer clothes!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Please Welcome the Newest Member....

SKITTLES!!!Dakota is not too sure if she is happy about being a big sister yet!

But she is very interested..

And just one more pic of Dan teasing Dakota...
stealing Dakota's bed!
This is what happens when Dan gets sent to the 'doghouse'!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!

Happy Mothers Day! Dan and I spent Mothers Day in the bay with his family. First we headed up to Napa for a VIP wine tasting session with his mom, much fun! We learned a lot about wine, and got to sample some cheeses too, at least the little bit that Dan didnt eat! Afterwards, we headed back to Dan's Grandparents house for dinner with a bunch of family, including Jen and Travis. I was a little better about getting some pictures...

Personalized Wine List!Ledson Winery
Tim, Lacey, and wine connoisseurs!

Jamie and Kristin