Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quickie about my fav lil girls!

I went up to Chico for what was supposed to be a day trip, but the ellsmore's served me a little too much of that poison, and i ended up spending the night! I had a blast though, doting over the much bigger girls, playing REAL tennis, a bit of wii, seeing some of chico, and drinking some tasty beverages! The twins are growing up so fast i swear you can see it! Plus they interact so much more each time I see them! Loving getting to see them so much during this early period of their lives! Arent they the cutest!


Anonymous said...

hello! your blog is great!

Jamie and Scott said...

your blog is great!! lol those are the cutest girls ever! you should actually take pictures next time.

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Lace - You are soon going to make the twins jealous when you replace them with Baby Sig!

Unknown said...

They are the cutest!!! I really want to meet them!!!