Wednesday, April 1, 2020

First Overlanding Trip to Baja Mexico! April 2019

On our way to Mexico!! First stop El Centro CA!

First hotel

At the border!! We still aren't sure if we were in the right line or not.  And we did have to wait for about 15 minutes with no instruction, but once we were helped everyone was very quick and friendly! And on our way to San Felipe!!

First stop! San Felipe!!

Walking around town

Hanging at the hotel

The beach!

First beer in Mexico!!

Easter morning at the hotel! The easter bunny brought sand toys for everyone!

Finally ditched the Dodges and headed out through Baja in our cruisers!

Cali getting used to the cruiser!

Our first stop was heading into central baja to visit a mountain spot called El Coyote.  The directions that Martin and Dan head left something to be desired. Although to their credit, once we found our first left turn we didn't ever have to turn around.  I did spend much of the time through the open desert road and up the mountain path wondering what we would do and when we would know if we had taken a wrong turn....

Our first pit stop! So much sand!

Long day for the kids in the car!

Our first landmark! The dry lake bed! We knew we were on the right path!!

Into the mountains! So pretty!

We did not expect to still be driving at dark, but it sure made for some pretty pictures!

We arrived after dark but our hosts were very accommodating! They made us dinner and breakfast and served us! We ate the salad and drank the well water without any problems! Loved El Coyote!
The kids loved the playground and just space to run around! Only stayed one night, wish we would have had more time here!

A deer and other animals they had as pets!

Can you find all 4??

Our directions out of Los Coyotes were pretty much as vague as the ones getting there. But after a bit of a debate over whether a green house was a greenhouse or a painted green house, the boys found our way without any hesitation!

There was some looking at a map, these guys did an amazing navigating job!

We stopped for lunch at a well known lobster enchilada place! Yummy!!

The kids wanted to take a picture by the dinosaur!!!

We went through a lot of towns, this one was having a massive wind storm!

Headed to Bahia de los Angeles!

Bahia de los Angeles!

The huts were kind of right on top of eachother, but there wasn't really anyone else around. It was right on the water but the water was pretty cool still. We still enjoyed camping on the beach, but at night we got our first taste of the wind! It was so windy im not sure anyone slept much except for the dogs and kids! Howling wind when you are sleeping in the tent on top of a car is very loud!!

Guess we need some shots!!

On our way again!

We headed into San Rafael just for an awesome beach stop! What a great place to hang out and play. We didn't feel that it was a safe place to camp at the time, but a great place to play, eat lunch, and gather shells! And we got to drive on the beach!!

On our way to San Ramon, much of the driving was similar to this!

First beach stop of the day!!

A seal kept popping up but I was too slow!

TAking a break

Jen and Emmy were obsessed with shells! and this was their first taste!

Driving on the beach

Driving on the beach!!

San Fransquito!
Such a cool little stop! Basically a private camp site run by a family and we were the only ones there! We played on the dock and when the fishing boat came in they gave us free fish! Fish tacos for everyone! We got here earlier in the day and stayed one night. This was the last stop that we had a planned destination. When we left here the plan was to head to Mulege and find a place to camp on the beach....

Following the owner to the beach campsite!

There was a part of the beach that was covered with sandcrabs!

Fishermen are back! Boys went to go make a deal to buy some fish and they insisted we take them for free! Everyone was so nice!

Kids were so excited about the fresh fish!

Let the prepping begin!

The fresh fish tacos were a hit!

Fish Tacos!

We headed to Mulege and the storied warm water of Bahia Concepcion!
But on the way we stopped at the famous Cocos corner. It was very strange in my opinion. Back in the day I guess it was a huge party all the time. But now its a wheelchair bound man with stories of the old day selling cans of beer? Weird. But the guys thought it was cool and there were some cool pictures!

On the way out of cocos corner Martin hit an unexpected bump and threw his gas cans off his bumper and bent the bumper pretty bad! I don't think he was happy that I took time to take a picture...oops!

We ended up at Playa Buenaventura because the other campgrounds all were ridiculously overcrowded!
 We had a couple pretty windy days but we made the best of it flying kites and the boys played with their RC cars and the water was very warm!

Kids were playing on the paddle board!

And then the woman next to us put her daughters life jacket on and put her on the paddle board too! I was like okay, she was about Elainas age and Austin was very careful with her!

Cute sleeping babies!

After spending two windy days at Buenaventura we decided to try and find a less windy beach with warmer water further south. Turned out to be a bad idea! The crowds only got worse the further we went! Ended up spending the whole day in the car and finally camping in Loreto.
After a super long day in the car looking for a beach that wasn't super crowded, we ended up in Loreto in a small RV parking lot for the night! At least it was close to the beach and we got to see some pelicans diving into the water! 

So pretty, not sure you can see how many people are on the beach! Looks like a town!

Diving pelicans!

Kids can make the best of every situation!

After not being able to find somewhere that wasn't ridiculously crowded to stop in the coveted Bahia Concepcion and having to spend the night in a parking lot after a long day of driving, we were determined to find a nice beach. We decided on spending another long day in the car to head back up north where the crowds dissipated hoping for better luck! We stopped at a couple places without luck and then settled on Punta Final! When we arrived there was a locked gate and a man who told us it was full. But using gestures he seemed to be telling us if we had 4x4 we could head out to the beach! We decided to give it a try and found our favorite stop!
 Last stop and favorite beach: 
The one in front of Punta Final!
The water was amazingly warm! It was shallow for days! The tide came in and out probably 100 yards! We stayed two nights and had such a wonderful time! It was windy at night here too though!

Locked gate at Punta Final

sleeping babes!

We had amazing sunsets!!

Finally got the fireworks out!


Our last day we spent back in the same hotel in san felipe. I let the kids pick out souveniors and that was a task! Wyatt picked right away his shirt, elaina was pretty sure on a necklace, and Austin took forever trying to decide!
Last night in mexico!

Photos on our drive back to the US!

Drive back to Cali had some holes in it!

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