Friday, December 1, 2017

Pig roast BBQ!!

We have been wanting to BBQ a whole pig for a while, so when Martin and Dan decided to raise 3 pigs, it was the perfect time! It was a long process of raising and cooking...but I think the result was totally worth it! I hope the guys that spent the time doing it agree!!

The night before...
Improving...just like the whole process!

Making the coal barrel!

Kids think its fun!

End of the night for the kids...but just beginning for the guys!

The night crew: Martin, Dan, Andy, Brian, Tim, Richard and Terry!

They put the pig on about 1230, and after a few drinks...

Getting the coals ready!

The next morning....

It smelled so good! Guys were a little tired!

Time to flip the pig!

Crispy side!

All done!


Boys liked it!

Cant have a summer party without swimming!

Throwing water balloons on bike riding Larry!

We had a big crowd!

With lots of kids!

Emmy really like Auntie wendys pie!

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