Wednesday, March 29, 2017

DunCoSigJo Christmas Weekend!

Christmas with the clan this year was more of a DunCoCoSigJo since the Collados joined us! So happy to have them in California!

The first two attempts at a group picture crack me up!

There we all are!! Such a big, fun group!

Turkey frying crew!

Time to eat!

Decorating graham houses!

The kids favorite part was when we said they could eat them!

Riding the new razor toy!

And some pics from the rest of the weekend!

Santa cow!

Such pretty christmas lights we saw this year!

Took the kids out in the freezing cold to try and get some cousin pics!

Elaina thought it was much too wet and cold!
Wyatt trying to help!

Pose #2
I love Wyatts face in this pic!

Okay much better inside!

Goofy kids!

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