Friday, February 17, 2017

Christmas Tree and Santa Pics!

Thanksgiving is over so its beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And that means time to get a Christmas tree! We went to the same local tree lot, maybe next year we will venture out to cut down a tree again!

 Picked out a good one! Couldnt get Wyatt to take a pic!

Smore time!

Everyone show me the first ornament they are hanging!

Wait where is Wyatt...oh there he is!

Time for the snowman topper!


Decorating outside!

Getting ready to see Santa!

 Lainey didnt want to get off Santas lap! Im not sure why Wyatt decided not to smile! And Austin was just being silly!

 Sorry about posting all of these pics but I love seeing the series!

Santa Through the years!


DunCoSigJoGG Thanksgiving!

The Sigonas hosted thanksgiving this year and the Collados joined us! We are so happy to have them in california so we can see them!

Kids table keeps getting bigger!