Saturday, April 9, 2016

DunithSigJo? Easter Celebration!

We started a tradition of Easter on the homestead with treasure hunts for the older kids! It was just Gavin this year, but cant wait to include the other kids next year! It was such a blast watching them running around looking for clues!

 The boys!

 Loving the poses!

 Jones boys!

 Jones kids!

 SigJo kids!

 The girls!

 Easter egg hunt!

 EmmyJ was serious about her hunting!

 The treasure hunt begins!

 Loved all the other kids chasing gavin around!

 Digging for treasure!

 Got it!

 Look at all the goodies!

 Love this boy!

 The whole gang!

 The fam!

Getting ready pics...

 The boys love that I let them pick their own hairstyles now!
 Wyatt is always the photobomber!

Luckily the rain held out until we were done with the Easter eggs, and the kids had a blast splashing in the rain!

Dyeing easter eggs!

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