Thursday, April 30, 2015

Early April 2015

 We went to a park and Wyatt found the smallest mud puddle to play in....All BOY!

 Lainey is really starting to love playing with toys!

 Here she played so hard she wore herself out and fell asleep in her toys!

 My little cowgirl!

 Smores in the front yard...Why not?!!!

 As it gets close to Easter the boys are having so much fun playing hide and find the easter eggs!

 How cute are they!

 Wyatt picked out this outfit on his own and modeled it for me!

 Such good helpers I have! Planting the peas
Helping to water them too!
 And planting our new blueberry bushes!

 These moments are so much fun!

 Make a funny face!!

 4 month old attempt at sitting...she said shes not ready!!

 Austin trying to teach Lainey to roll over!

 Bike break Snuggle Time!

 Suns out! Time to play outside with our hats!

Just doing some tummy time 

Getting some love from Austin

Austin is really into pretend supercross right now, and he always wants to give an interview at the end like they do on tv!!

EmJ thinks Mommy is funny!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Look a likes?


 Just having fun!

 Such a good sport while Mommy plays dressup!


Even though she has the dress, I dont this we look too much alike...maybe the nose?

I really think Wyatt looks like me, although Im not quite sure this picture captures how much!

Lainey is 4 months old!

EmJ is our little chunkster! She is really starting to enjoy playing with her brothers and she is quick to smile and giggle at the silly thing they do! She is still not rolling over, and really doesnt seem in any hurry to be on the go, which is fine with this busy mommy!! She is a happy baby that loves to lay on her back on her tummy time mat and play with her toys, but her favorite place is still her changing table!  She has really started talking and is quickly learning she must be loud to be heard above the noise in our house! She was measured at 24.5 inches, 51%(which I think was a little short especially since she seems like such a huge baby and both boys were taller than that Austin 25inches, Wyatt 25.6inches, but maybe its just that shes bigger!). And 16lb 5ounces, 87%(Austin was 14lb4ouncs, Wyatt was 15lb6ounces)!! Love this chubby little baby girl!

 Wyatt and Lainey playing at her 4 month doctors appointment!

 Ya for stuffed animals!

 Laughing at her brothers trying to make her smile!

 Are we still at this?

Pretty girl!

 Everyones turn!

Talkative Girl!



 Naked baby shots!
