Friday, December 5, 2014

Elaina Michelle birth story!!

Here is the story leading up to the birth of Elaina Michelle:
So unlike my other two pregnancies, I had been having some braxton hicks contractions for a lot of November. This plus her measuring a little big with both ultrasounds, made me think this little girl might come a few days early.  But she sure showed us she had other plans! After passing my due date with nothing happening, finally two days later on Friday morning it was getting pretty clear that the contractions I was having were a little more steady and probably the start of labor, not just braxton hicks! I was hoping since it was my third baby, that things might happen a little faster this time!

Grandma Kristy and BC even came out Friday night to stay with the kids in case we needed to go to the hospital that night! But although I kept contracting enough to keep me from getting any real good sleep, and they were getting more intense, things weren't progressing as fast as I had hoped. All day Saturday I had contractions, but couldn't get them any closer together despite walking and ball bouncing. So Kristy and BC headed home and I tried to take a nap.  All day Saturday the contractions were getting stronger but still 10-20 minutes apart. I tried to go to bed around 9ish and gave up trying to sleep through the contractions around 1030.  Got up into the shower to help with the intensity. I tried to let Dan sleep because at that point I was starting to think it was going to be a long night! At around 130am the contractions were really intense but still only 7 minutes apart.

So I woke Dan up and told him to call his mom because I figured this was going to be it! About 15 minutes later my contractions were getting almost unbearable and I didnt know how much longer I was going to be able to get into the car and drive to the hospital. We called GramaShell and Terry to come on up so we could head to the hospital. Terry stayed with the kids until Grandma Kristy could make it, and the rest of us headed to the hospital with Brandi waiting for us there. I was 5cm when I finally got checked at 330am. The labor from then on was very tough. And much longer than anyone was thinking. I was 8cm at 530. And then finally at 7 I started to feel the urge to push! Three contractions later my baby girl was finally here!! Exhausted but so happy to have my complete family!!

now that's concentration! 
Its a girl!

Daddy cutting the cord!
New baby girl!

 A daughter at last!

 So happy!

 So glad Cindy was able to be there for the birth! Love you cin!!

On to Postpartum!

 Newborn Hospital Baby Pictures!

Elaina was Coombs positive like Austin was and so she needed a little phototherapy. Luckily they do it in the rooms at this hospital, so she didnt need to go to the nicu! Just meant that we stayed an extra 24 hours at the hospital. 
 Austin said 'baby Elaina is in a box!'

 Discharge paperwork being done!! Mommy finally gets to play a little dressup!

Ready to go home!

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