Tuesday, April 8, 2014

March Pics and Vids

 Playing with Daddy!

 The weather is getting nice and we are able to play outside a bit!

Everett at the Jones Homestead!


After Uncle Tim had been up and played with Austin on the dirtbikes, he couldnt stop talking about him!
 Me and my big boy!

 Austin at the zoo with his nanny!

 Wyatts ready to go!

 First time on the lawnmower!

 Blanket fort!

 Austin being a doggy!

 Sharing his icecream with his brother, so sweet!!

 Climbing the tree!

 At our neighborhood park!

 Wyatt loves Emma!

 Buster and Emma have become inseparable!

 Silly boy!

 Only got a few pics when the fam came up to celebrate March bdays!
 Kids sunbathing on the property behind us!

 Ready Dakota...

 Go get it!

 Wyatts first time in the kiddie pool!

He liked it!

Playtime in Wyatts room!

Austin playing with the pups!

Dance time!

Being silly at GramaShells house!

Playing with Daddy!

First time Clapping!!

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