Tuesday, January 14, 2014

End of December

These are just some miscellaneous pics and vids from the end of December!

 Playing on the rocking horse with Daddy!

 I love it when these boys play together!!

 We had a very short New Years Eve since I worked on New Years Day this year. Daddy set up Austins new tent in the living room and he had fun trying to stay awake with Daddy! Wyatt made it til 830, We watched and cheered at the New York new years at 9, Mommy went to sleep at 930. Daddy made it til 11 and Austin won, watching a movie until 1130!!

 First Game of the Niners post season!!!


 Its been cold, but we try to play outside for a bit anyways! Keeping Wyatt contained is not always an option anymore, and this was the first time I let him crawl around outside!
 Happy dirty dirty boy!!

 Just going for a drive!

 Guess whos in a big boy bed now!!!

And guess who fell out the first night!! Dan and I didnt hear him at all!

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