Friday, November 1, 2013

October pics and videos!

 These two love to roll around on the floor!

 Yummy toes!

 Wyatt is starting to join the family for dinner at the table!

 Cheerios for the first time!!
He gets upset when Daddy teases him!

 Austin wanted his picture eating too!

 He hasnt master the pincer move yet, but he enjoyed the cheerios Daddy gave him!

 Photo courtesy of Grandaddy!

 Austin borrowing JJ Dogs' cape!

 Grandma Kristy and Julie took the boys to a pumpkin patch while babysitting them a couple weekends ago!

 Just chilling with my Daddy!

 Trying to get Wyatt to hold his own bottle!

 We left home really early for Westons birthday a few weekends ago and I had to wake both kiddos up...bonus? sleeping photos!!

 Austins hair was getting a little long, I wanted to chop it off again, but Daddy didnt want me to just yet. I inisited on at least getting it trimmed off his ears before we took cousin pics. I took him to a SuperCuts while we were down south and he did so well! Thanks to the lollypop!!

After photo!

This may be the best dancing video EVER!!!

I love watching these kids play together!

Uncle Brian gave Austin a huge new set of cars and he has been obssessed with them ever since. Taking them everywhere, even to bed!  This is him playing with them as soon as we got home!

1 comment:

Daisy & JJ's Mom said...

Oh my goodness, how did you not crack up at Austin dancing?!!? That was so awesome! I love that kid!!!!!!!