Monday, November 18, 2013

Wyatt is 6 months old!!

I dont know how it keeps happening faster and faster, but our youngest little guy is 6 months old! He is still such a laid back, easy going kid. Barely ever fusses at all! He is a great sleeper still and is now sleeping 8-12 hours at night and only occasionally getting up once for a feeding. And taking one 2-3 hour nap during the day which totally matches up with Austins nap! Talk about a great baby!! He is always smiling and happy with everyone, no stranger anxiety yet! He especially loves to play with his big brother, and cant wait until he can chase after him! He is rolling all over the place to get to toys and is able to balance and rock when I help him to his knees, but he isnt getting up by himself yet.  He is sitting up very well and usually only falls over to reach a toy.  No teeth poking through yet, but we are starting on baby food and some cheerios. He is only a little heavier than Austin was at this age, although he is almost an inch taller! He weighs 16.9 pounds, 32%(Austin was 16.4 pounds, 19%) and 26.75 inches, 51%(Austin was 26 inches long, 20%).  I cant wait to see how this happy, easy-going baby changes in the next few months!!

 What are we doing Mommy?
 Okay, I will smile for you!

 Look Teddy is here!
 Love this Teddy!

 Such a sweetie!

Very exciting!

 I really dont see Austin and Wyatt looking very similar, but here they both are at 6 months. Wyatt has darker and longer hair. His eyes are a green-gold and Austins were very blue.

 And here my boys are together!

Friday, November 1, 2013


Halloween was so fun this year! It was the first year Austin actually chose what he wanted to be! I didnt think that he would understand, but when we asked he was very insistent he wanted to be, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! I didnt like any of the costumes you could buy so I made my own! I think it turned out well! We first went to gymnastics, then went to a Halloween fair with the Sigona kids during the day, and then trick or treated their neighborhood at night! The kids had a blast!!

 On our way to gymnastics!

Austin was so excited he had to dance for me!

 At the fair!

 Gavin the pirate, Austins Mickey Mouse, Lexis Candy Corn Witch!

 Wyatt had a Mickey costume too!

 Getting dressed for Trick or Treating!!

 How do I look?

 Gavins pirate face, Austins candy smile, and Lexi just didnt want to participate!
 Perfect smile!
 Such a cutie!

 Wyatt as Tigger!

 Here we go! First house!

 Wyatt came too!

 The kiddos outlasted the adults this year! Finally, we brought them home and they had a blast looking through, and eating, their candy!!

 All worn out and still wont give up his candy!!

This is what I was going for:

The finished product!

October pics and videos!

 These two love to roll around on the floor!

 Yummy toes!

 Wyatt is starting to join the family for dinner at the table!

 Cheerios for the first time!!
He gets upset when Daddy teases him!

 Austin wanted his picture eating too!

 He hasnt master the pincer move yet, but he enjoyed the cheerios Daddy gave him!

 Photo courtesy of Grandaddy!

 Austin borrowing JJ Dogs' cape!

 Grandma Kristy and Julie took the boys to a pumpkin patch while babysitting them a couple weekends ago!

 Just chilling with my Daddy!

 Trying to get Wyatt to hold his own bottle!

 We left home really early for Westons birthday a few weekends ago and I had to wake both kiddos up...bonus? sleeping photos!!

 Austins hair was getting a little long, I wanted to chop it off again, but Daddy didnt want me to just yet. I inisited on at least getting it trimmed off his ears before we took cousin pics. I took him to a SuperCuts while we were down south and he did so well! Thanks to the lollypop!!

After photo!

This may be the best dancing video EVER!!!

I love watching these kids play together!

Uncle Brian gave Austin a huge new set of cars and he has been obssessed with them ever since. Taking them everywhere, even to bed!  This is him playing with them as soon as we got home!