Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wyatt is 5 months old! And his room is finally done!!

Wyatt's room is finally all put together, and I think it looks great! Our littlest cowboy! Love this lil guy! He is still working on sitting up, but is able to balance longer and longer unassisted! He is still pretty much the happiest baby I have ever seen, but he has started to let us know that he can tell us when he is unhappy! He is sleeping in his crib from about 7pm to about 4am everynight! He occasionally wakes up for some middle of the night snuggles from Mommy, but thats still okay!! He is really interested in toys and playing right now, and loves all of the attention he gets from his big bro! These two are going to love, fight and play hard together!!


 Oh no, not this again!

 Perfect smile!

 He has been obsessed with his tongue lately!

 Seriously, how cute am I?

 And theres that tongue again!

 Sitting up
 Playing with my bib!


5 months
 4 months

3 months
2 months
1 month

 Austin wanted to get in the pics too!


 Austin at 5 months!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Cutie pie!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

The final pic is so austin....wow.

room looks great...wait tlsoill he adds his stamp with toys!

Unknown said...

Room looks great Pace! I love those lil guys!!!