Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wyatt is 4 months old!

Wyatt is definitely our little chunker! At 25.6 inches (64%) and 15lbs 6ounces (50%), he has the highest percentages we have ever had!! We are also pretty sure he is the easiest going baby ever! He is really good at entertaining himself, grabbing at toys and chewing or sucking his fingers and thumbs! He is a great sleeper, and will fall asleep at night even if I put him in his crib awake, and sleeps 8-12hrs a night! He rarely cries for any reason and when he does it is more of a fussy whine and is easily consolable. He is also such a joy! He is such a happy little guy, smiling and laughing very easily! And he is so tickleish!! He is really close to sitting up unassisted and can do it for a few seconds now. He easily rolls from front to back AND back to front now. He loves to watch his big brother and cousins run all over and he cant wait until he can chase them everywhere! I love this sweet, perfect little man!!
Wyatts 4 month birthday fell on the 49ers first game of the season!

  He looks like such a big boy!

 There is that adorable smile!

 Its hard to get a smile without the tongue coming out!

 Of course Austin wanted to pose with his little bro too!


 Sitting up a little bit!

 And he loves to stand!

Wyatt playing:

Wyatt Laughing:

 Naked, happy baby!

 And a pic of 4 month old Austin!

 How perfectly adorable is this outfit GGma made!!

 And Wyatt in Uncle Ryans now famous Elmo pjs!!





Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love Ryan's Elmo pj pics!! I think your kids look more alike than my kids!

Trinette and Mike said...

He IS perfect!! I miss him so much (and you guys too!) He is turning out to look even more like Austin every picture I see. Just with a little more hair :) I LOVE the pj pictures of all the kids. What a cool tradition!

Jamie and Scott said...

The first picture he looks like Dan alot