Wednesday, February 6, 2013


What a great day! We decided to bring Austin this year to Supercross since we bought club seats this year and he would have some safe space to run around. Even the night before Dan and I were worried that it would be a disaster asking our 18 month old to be at a stadium for 12 hours! Especially since we didnt know where or if he would nap, and he never falls asleep in someones lap no matter how tired he is!! But we hoped for the best and brought him! It was a long day, we left home at 8am and met up with a bunch of the crew at Sean and Laurens.

 Austin and Grandaddy playing with bikes in Sean and Laurens garage!

Then we drove into Oakland to start the tailgating! Austin had a great time running around and eating with everyone! We got there around 11am and by 1 Austin was begging to get in his packnplay. So we tucked him and he slept in the back of the truck for 3 hours!! When we brought him in he was so excited to finally see the bikes!!

So exciting!! And this was just practice!!

 Austin checking out the whole track!

 With his hearing protection on! He didnt mind the bike noise, but the fireworks during introduction were pretty loud and he wanted to wear his earmuffs for that!

 Happy boy!

 Hanging with Grandaddy!

 I wouldnt have to post pics of Richard with his eyes closed if I had ANY with his eyes open!! LOL!!

 Auntie and Uncle filling our trooper up with sugar!!!

And this is our crazy sugar filled baby!!!

Finally we got back to the car around 11pm, and Austin passed out before we were even out of the parking lot!! We couldnt believe how great Austin was during such a long day! He had a blast with everyone and loved watching the bikes!!  Such fun, cant wait til next year!!!

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