Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas Day!

We had our usual three house christmas on christmas day this year, and Austin had a blast at each one!! Such a trooper!!

At Grandma Kristys:
 Hanging with Nana!

 Opening presents with Grandma Kristy!

 Tia and Austin


 Goofing around with Mr PotatoHeads glasses!

Over to Grandma Carol and Grandaddys!

 Mini-nap with Daddy!

 My two look-alikes playing with Julies bearded dragons

 Austin loved all of the nutcracker decorations, he called them all 'Santa'!

 Love these boys!!

 Playing with Grandma Carol!

 Family Pic!

Off to Pop and Nanas for dinner:
 Cousin Lovin'!

 Austin and Steph

Such a fun time! Cant wait til next year!!

1 comment:

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love the matching outfits! Im wondering where your white undershirt was though? Mr potato head's glasses are wayy cuter on Austin than mr potato head!