Thursday, March 1, 2012

7 month update

Recently GramaShell came up and we had lots of fun taking Austin to the park and discovered that he LOVES the swing and slides(I need to get those videos from Grama!)  Ryan and Adrienne also came to visit and we took all of the kiddies to the bounce house.  Here are some pics and videos over the last month!
Bouncehouse with Uncle Ryan and Auntie Adrienne:

Now this is my size house!

Lexi being a cutie!

Boy cousins!

At Aunt B and Uncle Ants:

Hanging out in the backyard

At the park with Grandma Kristy:

Austin got a little sick recently, here is a pic of him while he wasnt feeling well with a high temp, still so cute!!

Austin is starting to get a little bit of an attitude and I caught him on camera telling us just what he wants!

Inside time!!

Almost standing:


Anonymous said...

Aww he is so cute. Miss you so much Austin! Feel better big boy! love your Tia

Jamie and Scott said...

wow that kid is getting big! hope he is feeling better soon.

Mama Michelle said...

He's already loving the slide!! So adorable!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Hehe! love all the videos and that he is already getting use out of the slide! =) Maybe a month or so away from standing still though ;-)

Cindy said...

so cute!!! I love his little smirk :)