Friday, January 20, 2012

6 month appointment and videos

Austin had his 6 month check up this week. It was a little late, so more like 6.5 month check up! But everything is going well, his labs are finally up to normal so no more routine blood tests needed!! YAY!! He weighed 16.4 pounds(19%) and was 26 inches long(20%). He has now starting pulling himself up to standing!! CRAZY!! And I keep thinking everyday might be the day he is crawling, but he is keeping us in suspense! This morning Dan noticed his bottom tooth is starting to poke through!! So I will get a pic of that posted when you can see it more!

I have more videos but Im having trouble uploading them from my least these are a few of Austin pulling himself up!


Mama Michelle said...

So funny how he thinks he can just stand there without holding on - then -WHOA!!

Cindy said...

awesome!!! what a big boy! Really...6 months! Geez. It's going so fast! I absolutely love his smile and rosy cheeks. what a cutie!