Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer '11 Oregon trip!

We took Austin on his first trip up to Oregon over Memorial Day Weekend. We hiked down into the Lava Caves which I had never done before but it was really fun. And while we were there Auntie GaGa and Uncle Jerry got to babysit! Only one of the pics I took came out, so you just have to imagine completely cold darkness! We also went to the Deschutes Brewery and did their tour and tasted some beer. Austin got to hang out with a bunch of his cousins and we all had a great time! Cant wait to see our Oregon family again soon!
 Katie playing in the Lava Caves

Aunt Shirley, Katie, Amy, Tim, Jammie, Dan, Me and Austin tasting at Deschutes Brewery!

 Amy, Wendy, and Jammie tasting at the brewery
 Me and Austin, Aunt Shirley(aka Auntie GaGa), Tim, Jammie and Wendy
 Austin hanging out with his cousin Katie
 Super Baby!

 So cute!

 Tim, Alex and Katie hanging out

 Kendall and her baby cousin!

 Jennifer letting Austin nap with her

 Jammie, Austin, Alex and Kendall hanging out

 Katie playing with dans hat

Aunt Shirley loved lil Austin!


Trinette and Mike said...

So much fun!! I didn't think it was possible, but Austin looks even more like Dan! I can't wait to see you guys this weekend. I feel like it's been years...

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

I love the pic of austin and katie!! Austin looks like such a big boy!

Jamie and Scott said...

does jammie ever put that kid down? looks like fun, some day we will get there!