Tuesday, June 14, 2011

37.5 weeks and 1 year anniversary!!

Dan and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary this past sunday!! I cant believe its already been a whole year since our wedding day! Amazing! We didn't really do anything since we spent the weekend apart, Dan at his brother Tims bach party and me at Jammies bachelorette party! But we were able to have a nice dinner out and quiet evening together.
And now for the big news that I am finally TERM!! yay!! 37.5 weeks today!! Tomorrow my doctor will check and see if I have started dilating or anything yet. But here are some belly pics!


Mama Michelle said...

You are the cutest thing ever! Love the GIANT BELLY!!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Yaaa for term!! So close now!!

Jamie and Scott said...

Happy Anniversary! Did you eat your cake? You look like you are ready to get Austin out...it will be sooner than you think so enjoy this time!

Trinette and Mike said...

Belly!!! I want to rub it :) Let me know how your appt goes today when you get a chance. SO SO SO excited for Austin to make his appearance!

Unknown said...

Yeah Dan and Lace! Happy anniversary, we can't wait to meet Austin!