Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sharks game!

Dan, Brandi, Anthony and I went to a san jose sharks game a few weekends ago! so much fun! the sharks blew the Kings away and clinched a place in the post season! what a game! Thanks to Dad for the xmas present tickets!!

Good times!
Anthony doing the post GOAL cheer...i tried to get the whole stadium doing it in unison...

Dan and i enjoying the game!

Our view...straight down!!


Grandpa + GramariO said...

Hockey is fun to watch much enthusiasm.

Jamie and Scott said...

Wow your seats were high! But the view looks great!

Trinette and Mike said...

YAY!!!! I LOVE going to Sharks games! Aren't they so fun?? Glad you guys had a great time and they had such a great win.