Saturday, October 9, 2010

The First Ride!!

Scott sold us his dirt bike and Dan and I went and picked it up this weekend. At first I was really scared of falling and having the bike fall on top of me! I was wearing knee pads on my knees and elbows! But then we started with Dan on the bike showing me shifting and steering, and pretty soon I was on my on!! I loved it! Here are some videos...I swear it looks like I'm going a lot slower than it felt!

Im having more trouble than I was hoping with uploading these videos...I uploaded them to youtube, hopefully you can see them here...

This first one is the same one thats uploaded on this page, so if you can see it here, skip it on youtube:


AND one of dan, although he was just fooling around, you can see how much faster he is going!


Jamie and Scott said...

looks like you did a great job! thanks for getting that bike out of the garage. phil and sandy thank you too!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Great riding Lace! Gavin loved watching both of you riding the otoclyckle!!

Mama Michelle said...

Looks like soo much fun!! I want to go too!

Unknown said...

Thats so great! Mike took me out only once so far (he's had bikes for years!) and they tried to teach me in this tiny campground that had only about a 20 ft straight away. I just wanted to learn going straight and THEN worry about turning lol! Great job Lace!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

Good going. You got it!