Tuesday, April 27, 2010


As the day until my change from Ms. Cope to Mrs. Jones draws closer I realize that I have been a little busy for the blog updating!

Pic of me and Dan going out for Dan's birthday...before his hair cut!

Dan and I got mountain bikes recently and we have had a couple nice rides(with me doing my best to keep up and not fall on my face!) These are some pics that Dan, Tim, and Jammie took on a ride. One that I was unable to come on due to my work schedule.

What a view

Jammie, Dan and Tim

Thats the bridge they were just on...tallest in CA i hear.


Grandpa + GramariO said...

Gorgeous view...reminds us of Utah. Beautiful mountains, lovely streams, great water falls...but GPa and I don't ride bicycles to see them. I'll take 4 wheels please!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Im going to have to go on one of those bike rides someday!

Jamie and Scott said...

wow dans hair was so long...he cleans up really well! isn't amazing the views you can get from riding a bike! both of you be careful don't want to be hurt for the big day!

Trinette and Mike said...

I want to go bike riding! I need a bike first...and I'm convinced that I still just want a beach cruiser and somehow for the beaches around us to turn into San Diego...:0)

Dave and Joan said...

I know what you mean about being behind in the blog updates. Just did mine, too. So anxious for the wedding and see you all again. Great views and great exercise on those bikes. Beautiful country. Love Dave and Joan