Friday, May 29, 2009

The last few weeks...

...have been crazy!! First I headed down to so cal for Adrienne's bridal shower and bach party! We had so much fun, hanging out, riding in the limo, and karyoke-ing!

The Soon-to-be SisterS!

Bach Girl!

We also made ANOTHER new addition to the growing clan of Dan and Lacey...Please Welcome...


Bandit and Skittles: Sisters Bonding!

Just another adorable pic of my man and my adorable lil nephew
Sleepy Boys!

Last weekend we moved across town to a three bedroom duplex! We are pretty much all moved in so check back soon, hopefully I will have a video of the place posted! But I wanted to give a shout out to the moving crew: Kristin, Tim and Jammie! We couldnt have done it without you guys!! Thanks so much!

Tired moving crew at the end of the day!


Jamie and Scott said...

wow no wonder we haven't talked in a while. lol! glad to see that you are having fun. can't wait to see the place!

Unknown said...

wow! can't wait to hear about the new place. and congrats on the new addition. she's adorable

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Great few weeks! And the place looks great!

jen3 said...

Congrats on your new place and a big hello and welcome to Bandit!