Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dan and Dakota...and Lacey's first fishing trip!

Dan and Dakota have been spending a lot of time together these past few weeks and Dan has been very good about recording some of the moments with pictures... Dakota in her Pjs, stealing Dan's clothes


Up close and personal

Passed out in dan's lap

Wearing Mom's sandals

This is a video of Dakota after Dan tied her toy dog to her leg...she wasnt very happy with our giggles!

The other day when I came home from work Dan had a present for first very own fishing pole! And this morning we went down to the river and he taught me to cast, which I picked up pretty quickly, but unfortunately we didnt get one bite!! Oh anyways!


Unknown said...
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Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love the pics of Dakota and really,really glad Dan got a job! He obviously had wwaaaayyy too much time on his hands!! YAAAA for fishing!

Unknown said...

i'm glad you guys are having so much fun!

Mama Michelle said...

Okay, don't tell Dakota, but I laughed until my stomach hurt over her pics!
You're pretty cute with that fishing pole too...hope you catch something someday!

Jamie and Scott said...

oh my gosh there are pictures but they are all dakota! you guys have been doing some fun stuff and thats what we get. don't get me wrong i love dakota but still! nice fishing pole...mine is just a red rod with a black reel! so excited that you tried to fish! lova ya both!

Unknown said...

OMG Dakota in those PJ's kills me! I can't stop laughing!! I'm so excited that you guys are fishing. Mike got is own poles for Christmas & I got him his licensee for Valentines day some hopefully we'll be doing some fishing as well. Not that there are any great places near us...want some visits? hehe!

jen3 said...

dakota in the clothes...hilarious!! nice pole you got, hopefully you can get some fish and BBQ for us:)

Horse and Goat said...

Here is your comment.

Cindy said...

oh my god. i almost died laughing. dakota doesn't look amused and dan seems hilarious! A job too!!! yay!! congrats! you guys look like you're having way too much fun! love all three of you!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

And I was just looking at Kota when you pulled her out of the ocean and she was a cold tired puppy dressed in yellow!

Dave and Joan said...

Love the fishing. Can't wait to meet Dan. Love Dave and Joan