Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dan and Dakota...and Lacey's first fishing trip!

Dan and Dakota have been spending a lot of time together these past few weeks and Dan has been very good about recording some of the moments with pictures... Dakota in her Pjs, stealing Dan's clothes


Up close and personal

Passed out in dan's lap

Wearing Mom's sandals

This is a video of Dakota after Dan tied her toy dog to her leg...she wasnt very happy with our giggles!

The other day when I came home from work Dan had a present for first very own fishing pole! And this morning we went down to the river and he taught me to cast, which I picked up pretty quickly, but unfortunately we didnt get one bite!! Oh anyways!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dakota's Three!

Happy birthday to Dakota!

The day we brought the Doter home!

What a pretty lil puppy she was!

Always idolized the 'Big Boy'

Dakota and her water wings

Tough life, growing up at the beach!
Pretty Girl

Cousins sharing a moment

Dakota and her friends

Lazy Girl!
Dakota on her 3rd Bday!

New Roommate!!!

3/27/09: As usual I have been slacking on the blogging, but on march 27th, along with being Jamies bday, this year it was also the day I got a new roommate! Dan moved down from Oregon and into my apartment. I never realized how small this place really was! ha! Its been great having him here, and Dakota is very happy to have another playmate! The three of us are currently looking for a new place, hopefully a house with a backyard! We have been babysitting Gavin about once a week as well and having a blast with that! Here are a few pics from the last couple weeks...

Gavin in Dan's hat

The Doter and Dan on a lazy morning!