Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We Live on Avenue Q!!

Jamie and I went to go see Avenue Q this last sunday, thanks to an xmas present from my dad! It was a blast, really got us into the musical/play mood and we will definitly be going to more in the future! We had a great weekend, Scott was nice enough to watch the twins so Jamie and I were able to spend some quality time one on one! Been a while since we were able to do that! Love you Jamiers!


Jamie and Scott said...

loved it and had a great time! cant wait until the next time we hang out!

Unknown said...

oh wow! how fun!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

The internet is good for P**n! HEHE!

Unknown said...

Yay! I'm glad you girls had fun! I want to see that someday. Love that you are on a blog role! xoxo