Monday, February 1, 2016

Christmas Day 2015

Christmas morning!!

To Wyatt!
To Elaina!

To Austin!

Santa Came!!


Opening Presents!

Its mine! Austins gift to Lainey!


KTM boys, with Wyatt photobombing!

Boys Brahhhh faces!'

Theres a smile!

Trying Wyatts bike out in the house!

Lets take this outside!

Lainey loves bikes too!

Wyatt first time Ever!


Austins first try!

Starting to chase Austin!

Family Time!
GGpa playing with EmJ!

GGma playing with the boys!

GGparents and the NorCal grandkids!

Love having them here!

Time to carve the fried turkey!

Kids loved it too!

Everyone back outside ....
Austin showing off!