Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Lainey is 9 months!

Lainey is a happy little girl at 9 months old, despite cutting her first four teeth all at once! Since she loves to eat, it will be nice when she gets some teeth! She babbles all the time, mamama and dadadada. She gets more excited about her brothers playing with her than anything else! She is army crawling pretty fast now, and we had to put the gates  up to keep track of her! Occasionally gets a traditional crawl or two in there. She is starting to stand holding on to furniture if we put her up there, but balance is still not a strong point! She is sleeping 12 hours through the night now which makes Mommy and Daddy very happy! She is 27.5inches,40%(Wyatt was 28.25inches, Austin was 27.2inches), and 20lb 5oz, 80%(Wyatt was 18lb 14oz, Austin was 17lb 12oz). Love this little girl and so excited to watch as her personality continues to emerge!

 Im cute and funny!

 Two top teeth!

Two bottom teeth!


 Army crawling!

Standing with the boys!

I have seen her clap, but havent gotten it on video yet! She doesnt have it totally figured out yet, and she can get so frustrated! Love that smile!

End of August

 Selfie with Austin!

 Me and my Baby!

 Only the best Nannies paint faces!

 Genetics are amazing!


Standing with the boys!

Melts my heart!

She thinks hiccups are hilarious!

Austin tells the best stories!

Camping for August Birthdays!

So much fun camping with the family!

 Pretty nice napping crib!

 Sarah is such a cutie!

 EmJ loves Tia!

 Hanging at the campsite!


 Kayak time!

 Naptime again!

 Mommy taking Lainey on her first kayak ride!

 This kid is the dirtiest everywhere we go!

 Group photo!

 Go Everett!

 Loves his Daddy!

 Boat fun!

 Gavin and Uncle Dan